Sunday, January 15, 2006

Starting to get busy...

Man, I am getting really bad at keeping up with this thing. lol.

I started back at school this week and I think this semester is really going to rock. I like all my profs and we're watching some really cool movies in my contemporary and narrative theory classes. I am starting on my script for my final project, which I am going to kick ass with this semester. And I'm looking forward to meeting a filmmaker I really admire. Alanis Obomsawin, who made Kanehsetake: 270 Years of Resistance, one of the most powerful documentaries I've ever seen, is coming to visit our school. I'm so excited. My prof is also really stoked about my final project, but more details on that later. I'm still in story development stage.

Enough school stuff for now. Is it possible to have someone in your life that is just meant to be in your life....whether you like it or not? I've been off and on with someone for just over four years now. Even when we are off, no matter what happens, I can't help but love this person. I think of him always. Even when I am angry as hell and don't want him in my life, I can't help but care and can't get him out of my head. He told me the other day that even if we never speak again for the rest of our lives, I'll always be his baby. I don't know what else to add to this except whether I like it or not, he's a part of me. Is this normal? Does everybody have somebody like this in their life? Or are we just really weird and dysfunctional? Maybe a bit of both? Just had to get that off my chest. I guess only time will tell.

Keep loving yourself and others.......more ramblings to come.........


Blogger lockup said...

you're just really weird...



5:33 PM  
Blogger something of nothing! said...

To be able to know if it is weird , we need to know what it is like to be normal.

We live in a world with 6 billion + other people. Each of these 6 billion people, at some point in there life that they think is not normal.

So, really what we need to be asking ourselves "is there normal?"

7:54 AM  

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