Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Quickie Movie Review: Dancer in the Dark

Well, I started writing this earlier, but my browser shut down for some reason. Anyhoo.....

Our film class screened Lars von Trier's Dancer in the Dark yesterday. What an emotional experience that was. Our professor warned us that it dealt with some strong emotions and that it would probably affect us for the rest of the day. She was right. It was beautifully done. Bjork and the rest of the cast did an amazing job. But it was depressing as hell. Everybody was crying at the end. Which I guess is part of the reason it's so good, when you can illicit that kind of a response from your audience. It is the kind of film I could only experience once, though. Too powerful.

Well, I don't have a lot of time anymore to keep up with my blog. But like I said last entry, I'll try to keep up. I got my script and my dialogue assignment done. The more I learn about the creative process, the more it excites me. I wish I would have discovered this new passion of mine a long time ago. But then again, I might not have gained the life experience that I want to express in the film medium. There are so many things that I'm learning and I have a whole new outlook on the process of movie making. An unbelievable amount of work, discipline, labour and love. And a time consuming process, too. I'll elaborate more when I have the time.

Back to the books......til next time.......



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