Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Musings: Screenplay Writing

Did I say I couldn't wait to get back to school? I know I'm gonna kick myself for that later.

Well, it's been two days and already my courseload is looking very heavy for this semester. I have to throw a presentation together for next week and I have a script to hand in the week after. Oi. And that's just for one class.

We humans always have to overcomplicate things. I was thinking about this when I was doing my reading for tomorrow's class. The reading is on Screenplay writing. The author says that people tend to overcomplicate things when they are writing screenplays. Especially when they are inexperienced, adding detailed camera directions and stage directions that aren't necessary. He said it's as simple as this: A screenplay is about a person in a place doing his or her thing. That's all. Of course you have the three act, set up, conflict, resolution thing happening, too. "Without conflict, there is no drama. Without need, there is no character. Without character, there is no action." You need a character, and that character needs a goal. Then you have to throw some obstacles in the way of that goal so you have a story, basically. My favorite quote from that section of the reading is from F. Scott Fitzgerald, "Action is Character". I like that because it not only applies to screenplay writing, but in life. Action is character. A person is what they do. A person shows you who they are by what they do.

Another quote that I liked was from the section emphasizing the importance of research. How the more you research what you want to write about, the more you know and the more choice you have in your writing. "The more you know, the more you can communicate." But my favorite quote is a hint to use when you are seeking material to inspire your writing. For example, he told about a screenwriter he knew who wanted to write a script taking place on a train, so he rode the train across the country. When he got to the end, he still didn't have a story. This is what he says "When you are looking for a subject, the subject is looking for you. You'll find it someplace at sometime probably when you're least expecting it." I guess inspiration can be pretty random and uncontrollable.

Keep your eye out for that unexpected inspiration, til next time......


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