Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Lost in the Library

Heading into crazy season for the semester......

I had a presentation to do yesterday for my 301 production class called "Lost in the Library". The idea was to research a subject non-film related and present it in a creative manner. I chose body language as my subject. I found out a lot of interesting things while researching. The most interesting thing I found out was about myself. Something rather disturbing. I was most interested in the deception cue part of body language. As some of you may know, my (ex) husband of five years was full of deception, so I became adept at figuring out these deception cues. The last guy I was with was also deceptive about a lot of things. What I discovered is that I actually enjoy playing detective. I get a big kick out of having a hunch, investigating and being right about it. I had wondered a little while ago why it is I attract deceptive men that I can't trust. It hit me while I was researching. I seek them out because I enjoy figuring out the truth. Sooooo, another thought I had was.....why don't I just write a script about a female detective and channel that into her, rather than seek it out in my personal relationships? Why not write about situations like that and find a man I can trust? The presentation went well, by the way, I think most everybody found it as interesting as I did. That thought just occurred to me, so I thought I'd share it.

More ramblings to come......


Blogger something of nothing! said...

The whole of what you have written is one thing that we as people are always doing. We are always learning more about who we are and what makes

Alot of what we learn about ourselves can be conscious, and even sub conscious until we realise that we know it.

The question i think you need to ask yourself is are you attracted to guys you can't trust, or are you attracted to men that you enjoying working out who they are and what makes them, them? The men you have enjoyed working out might just happen to be men you couldn't trust.

Just something to think about!

3:50 AM  

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