Saturday, September 09, 2006

Movie Quote of the Day: Old School

Since it is back to school time, I perused my DVD collection this eve looking for the perfect back to school movie. I've seen some of the 80's blasts from my past lately (Sixteen Candles, Better Off Dead, Real Genius) but I haven't seen Old School in awhile. Most everybody has probably seen it and I think it is friggin hilarious. It's one of those movies where every little gesture and frame is perfect. Vince Vaughn, Will Farell, Luke Wilson and Jeremy Piven star and Todd Phillips co-writes and directs. Short run down: Boys start fraternity and bond. That's it, pretty much. These guys became known as the Frat Pack after this film. The DVD is awesome because of the added special features. This is one of those DVDs where the feature commentary is another movie in itself. Farrell, Vaughn, Wilson and Phillips all do the commentary and it is as funny as the movie and you learn some behind the scenes things like the frat house was really Will Farrell's in real life and the crew did $40,000 worth of damage to it and that Snoop Dogg was in his trailer smoking up while Vaughn had to entertain 300 extras for three hours while they waited for him to come out and do his performance. Here it is....

Mitch: "True love is hard to find, sometimes you think you have true love and then you catch the early flight home from San Diego and a couple of nude people jump out of your bathroom blindfolded like a goddamn magic show ready to double team your girlfriend..."

Til next time.....



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