Saturday, September 09, 2006

First Week Back

Started back at school on Tuesday and I think it's going to be a good and busy semester. We have the next two semesters to finish our fourth year projects, but our instructor would like us to have all our stuff shot this semester. I have an idea for my project and have to get the script done by end of October. I'm keeping it close to my chest right now, though, because I'm still developing my idea. I'm taking art 100 and it will be a busy class, but my friend Amber is in the class with me so that makes it more bearable. Art is cool and all but I usually don't do so hot on my fine art elective classes. The film and theater theory class is going to be interesting, but I have to say I prefer the production classes. My cinematography class is going to kick ass. My prof is funny and speaks with a Russian accent and has given us some interesting assignments like a 36 slide narrative, we also have to make up a story based on a famous painting (for cinematography?), present an analysis of a 20 minute sequence from a film and shoot a sequence of our own. It's going to be daunting but fun. I will try my durndest to keep up with the writing but when it's at a time like midterms or something, I may be too busy to check in. But you all will still be on mind, even if I'm too busy to say hi. :)

More ramblings to come....


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