Thursday, March 15, 2007

DVD Quote of the Day: The 40 Year Old Virgin

Last weekend I talked with a friend of mine who has not seen The 40 Year Old Virgin. That's right, someone who has NOT seen The 40 Year Old Virgin. What's up with that?

Quick run down: Andy Stitzer (Steve Carell, love, love, love him) is a 40 year old virgin who works at Smart Tech as the store's stock supervisor. His life is mundane without any social activities other than watching Survivor with his elderly neighbours. His co-workers David (Paul Rudd), Jay (Romany Malco) and Cal (Seth Rogen) invite him to play poker with them one night and discover that Andy's a virgin. They decide to make it their mission to get Andy laid. After a few of their disastrous attempts, Andy meets Trish (Catherine Keener), a single mother, who piques his interest. They begin dating and Andy feels the pressure to have sex mounting.

It's an excellent movie that's part raunchy buddy comedy, part sweet romantic comedy, which works. Directed and written by Judd Apatow (Freaks and Geeks), the humour is extremely raunchy but great with the running "pussy on a pedestal" joke, the whole "you know how I know you're gay?" improv scene and the infamous waxing scene. Apatow shares the writing credit with Carell, but a lot of the movie was improvised. Strong performances from all of the cast.

I remember the theatrical version very well. The timing, the flow, the performances and the jokes were all perfect. The DVD is the Unrated version with 17 extra minutes. Although those 17 minutes are still funny, they interrupt the flow that the theatrical version had. The DVD commentary is hilarious with director/writer Judd Apatow, Steve Carell, Paul Rudd, Seth Rogen (also one of the producers), Romany Malco, Leslie Mann (who plays the drunk girl and is married to Apatow), Jane Lynch (hilarious as store manager, Paula), Gerry Bednob (hilarious as Mooj), Shelley Malil (Haziz) and Jonah Hill (who plays the eBay store customer) all getting drunk while reflecting on the making of the film. The DVD also features the obligatory deleted scenes, with or without a commentary, blooper reel and dinner with a porn star.

Extremely quotable with too many choices for just one quote of the day. So I'm giving a couple....first from when Cal advises Andy to tell Trish he's a virgin to test her....

Cal: Here, tell me, this is how it's gonna go.
Andy: I'm a virgin.
Cal: Sweet! I like that, because you don't have... chlamydia....and I *know* that....and that shit is everywhere.

The part when David, the bitter dumpee still getting over a four month relationship two years later, tells Andy about love.....

Andy: It sounds horrible.
David: Of course it's horrible. It's suffering and it's pain and it' know, you lose weight, then you put back on weight, and then you, you know call them a bunch of times, and you try to email and then they move or they change their email. But that's just love.

The part where Andy is drunk and about to go home with Beth and has to tell her he doesn't drive....

Andy: I hope you've got a big trunk, because I'm putting my bike in it.
Beth: (misunderstanding his meaning) Oh, ho, ho, ho....Hello!

Steve, see the damn movie! More ramblings to come......



Blogger Rambler said...

This was a time pass movie to watch. a little overboard with raunchyness, but a little too unrealistic dont you think?

12:14 AM  
Blogger trudyrox said...

Ehh, depends on which part you found unrealistic. It was overboard on the raunchiness, but I liked it and felt the sweet love story helped to balance that out.

12:21 AM  

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