Sunday, February 18, 2007

Music and Lyrics

I got a chance to see Music and Lyrics this afternoon. I've been looking forward to this because of my girl Drew. What a cute movie.

Written and directed by Marc Lawrence (writer of Miss Congeniality and writer/director of Two Weeks Notice), the film is about washed up 80's pop star Alex Fletcher (Hugh Grant) still coasting on his old pop star glory while his partner went on to become a big solo star (think Andrew Ridgeley from Wham while George Micheal went on to become....well, George Michael). He plays the nostalgia circuit at state fairs, amusement parks and has been offered a spot on a new show called "Battle of the 80's Has-Beens". Current pop star Cora Corman (Haley Bennett), who is kind of a Shakira/Britney character, is auditioning has-been pop stars to write her a new song. Alex is thrilled at getting a chance to become relevant again, the only problem being that Alex can write music, but isn't so good at lyrics. Enter Sophie Fisher (Drew Barrymore) who is filling in for Alex's regular plant-waterer. Sophie inadvertently blurts out some lyrics to music Alex is composing, causing Alex to chase her and convince her to help him write the song.

In the process of composing and writing songs, Alex and Sophie get to know each other better and discover they have both been stuck and afraid to do the things they want to do. They also develop feelings for each other and help push the other one to do better. It's a typical romantic comedy that follows the same map as other rom coms, boy meets girl, boy and girl start to like each other, boy does something stupid to fuck it up, boy has to win girl back before she moves away. It is a typical rom com, but an entertaining one. Grant and Barrymore are so cute together, especially when they bicker. Of course, as in other films of this genre, the ones close to the main characters add flavour and humour to the film. In this case it's Alex's manager, Chris (Brad Garrett) and Sophie's big sister, Rhonda (Kristen Johnston, who is hilarious in this film). I would have liked to have seen the conflict that keeps Alex and Sophie apart a little more drawn out.

The 80's video for Pop!'s "Pop Goes My Heart" song is the funniest part of the film, and they sure had the look and moves down. I was surprised to see that this is the first and only credit on Haley Bennett's IMDB page, as she is really, really good as the ditzy pop star. The songs in the film are also very catchy and still in my head. Overall, it's a very cute movie and worth checking out.

Music and Lyrics
Recommended:....if you like romantic comedies, Hugh Grant, Drew Barrymore, or are in the mood for a light comedy.
Best line: Sophie (On discussing the difference between music and lyrics): The melody is like the initial attraction, like sex. But the lyrics are their story.

More ramblings to come......



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