Sunday, July 06, 2008

Baby Mama

Last week, shortly after I had gotten the kids off for the weekend with their father, I immediately looked at the movie listings. I had been meaning to see Baby Mama, which was playing at the cheap theater, mostly because I LOVE Tina Fey.

Written and directed by Michael McCullers, the film is a comedy about a woman's wish to have a baby via surrogate mother. Kate Holbrook (Tina Fey) really wants to be a mother, but is told by her doctor that she has a one in a million chance of conceiving. She turns to an agency to find a surrogate mother to carry her child. Through the agency, she meets a young woman named Angie (Amy Poehler) and her boyfriend Carl (Dax Shepard), who are what some folks might call "white trash". Angie and Kate make a deal and Angie has the procedure done to carry Kate's baby.

However, obstacles do happen, because what kind of a story would it be without obstacles? Angie leaves Carl and shows up on Kate's doorstep hoping to move in. Of course Kate lets her and the Odd Couple-esque hilarity ensues. Kate struggles trying to get Angie to eat nutritiously and treat her furniture with respect (Kate: Did you just put gum under my coffee table? Angie: I don't know. Kate: What do you mean you don't know??") Kate is an executive with an organic foods supermart with a hippy dippy new age-y guy as her boss, played beautifully by the love of my life and future baby daddy, Steve Martin. Kate also develops a crush on Rob (Greg Kinnear), who runs the local smoothie place (which is NOT like Jamba Juice!). There are a few twists and turns in the plot, so I will leave it at that.

I love, LOVE Tina Fey. I also really like Amy Poehler, Dax Shepard, and of course I love my sweetie, Steve Martin. Romany Malco was also great and hilarious as Kate's doorman who is friends with the women and tries to help them out. They were funny, there were a lot of funny moments, however the movie on the whole was not funny. I didn't get totally immersed in it and it felt like something was not quite right. I didn't really like how they wrapped the story up, but you'd have to see the film to know what I mean. In summary, it was "okay", but you might want to check it out if you're a big Tina Fey fan like me. Closing with a quote from when Angie is in the hospital in labour....

Angie: AHHH, it feels like I'm shitting a knife!! Why won't you bitches help me!?!

More ramblings to come......



Blogger Rambler said...

I think we have this DVD am yet to watch though :)

7:23 PM  
Blogger trudyrox said...

Let me know what you think!

7:24 PM  

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