Sunday, July 17, 2005

Musings: Dreams

Why is everything always 20/20 in hindsight? Why is it we chose to ignore the part of our brain that is trying to tell us what is really going on? Is it because we want to believe so badly that we choose to ignore our own instinct and put blinders on, only hearing the things we want to hear?

I encourage everyone who doesn't already have one, to keep a dream diary. If you get into the habit of writing down your dreams as you wake up, you will begin to remember more details and remember more vividly your dreams upon wakening. I keep a book on my nightstand with a pen and begin writing before my eyes open. Even my dreams are only 20/20 in hindsight. The last year or two of my marriage, I wrote down my dreams as I woke. Reading them now, I knew a long time before I left that it was time to end it. All my dreams involving my husband had a storyline about us being separated and me trying to find him. I could never find him, or when I did, he would ignore me or act surprised to see me. I even wrote down things in my dream diary that happened in real life to confirm my dreams. For example, one night I dreamt my husband was going out with a friend of his that I disliked, and when I woke, I found that odd because he hadn't spoken to him in months. I added a note onto that page later that day when he ended up going out with this friend. Just like in the dream. Weird.

I have slacked off, though, in the dream diary department. I haven't written down any dream in the last month, and I have been having the craziest dreams. I think that was me trying to ignore my subconcious(sp?). Then again, sometimes I write what little I remember and it will go something like this.....

"June 9th, 2005

I was in some weird Star Wars world. I remember sandwiches. And somebody like Paula Abdul."

I'm no expert dream interpreter, but I have no friggin' clue what that means. :/

Keep on dreaming.........


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