Saturday, July 16, 2005

Musings: Loyalty in this Day and Age

Does anybody actually read these things? I've always wondered. Not like I expect anybody to lose any sleep over what I think or anything. I still have to play around with the format and stuff.

So I was it realistic to expect someone to be faithful in this day and age? Our world is getting faster and faster. We do more travelling and have heavier work schedules, so people turn to quicker methods of meeting people, ie. internet dating, etc. Sometimes loyalty seems like an antiquated idea. I dunno, maybe I'm just old-fashioned and naive to want to find a monogamous relationship. I'm told by a few people that it's not realistic to have a relationship that's 100% monogamous. I don't feel like I have to or should settle for anything less. I know I'm not the only one out there who thinks so, although it does feel like it a lot of times.

I'm trying to get my train of thought back. I mean it's always been there, but I mean have it flowing like it used to. I've got a month and a half left before school starts again in the fall and I'd like to accomplish something this summer. I keep meaning to start on a script that's been in my head for over a year now. A friend who predicted a few things for me about four years ago, predicted that I would get my break over the net. I'd like to get my school film and video projects online.

This friend also predicted that I'd have more trouble and work with my girl than with my boy. I always thought my boy would need a lot more work adjusting to the divorce. Three to four years after he predicted that, my daughter was diagnosed as being mild to moderately autistic. He predicted the worse time would be when she was a teenager. He said if I make it through that, I can make it through anything. And I thought making it through the separation and divorce was hard. :/


Blogger lockup said...

to answer your question "Does anybody actually read these things?"

Yes! I just did!

Hahahaha.... ;p

6:08 PM  
Blogger something of nothing! said...

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4:46 AM  
Blogger something of nothing! said...

it's pretty cool that people are reading your blog!!!

Your mind is so cool!

Keep it up!


4:48 AM  

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