Monday, October 22, 2007

I'm Baaack. No, seriously.

So my friend Dave says to me the other day, "I want to see a new entry from you in your blog. And don't give me this 'I'm too busy' shit." I'm here, I'm here. I really have been very busy, though. I'm still working on two documentaries and doing some freelance radio work and whatever else gets thrown at me. It's so fun that it actually doesn't even feel like work. I love what I'm doing and I'm grateful I get to do it every day with people who are amazing and supportive. The fact that I get paid is just the icing on the cake.

So I will write some about movies, but mostly just writing to get my writing mojo back. I have a twenty page essay due in a month and a bit. I also have to write this documentary that is near and dear to me, but due to creative blockages has languished on the shelf for the last month and a bit. I know the film spirits will be good to me. Seriously, one of my production profs talked of believing in film spirits. So basically this is just a short note to say, yes, I'm still around, yes I will be writing again. Thanks for the comment, Mad. Good to hear from you. Due to a stalkerish experience with an ex from wayyyy back, I had to delete my myspace profile. Gotta love the internet.

More ramblings to come.....(I swear!)...


Blogger Rambler said...

hey glad to have you back Trudy..
waiting for the first movie review after the break.
Just hoping its my kinda movie :)

btw have lots of movies to discuss with you :)

10:07 AM  

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