Monday, March 20, 2006

Shit Happens

Gee, film seemed like a good idea at the time......

Just kidding. I really do love film and video and everything that goes with it and what I'm coming to terms with is that shit happens. Shit happens and you just have to deal with it. My friend and cameraperson, Lana, pointed out that the hard thing about film is having to be so dependant on other people. It's true, it can be a strength at some points and a drawback on others. This semester I've had the hardest time with my script. I've been re-writing and re-writing and I'm still not absolutely happy with it. But, I went ahead and planned my shoot. I booked all my equipment well in advance, booked actors, secured locations and crew members. Saturday came and it went so well. I was pleased with the way things were going. We were pretty much on schedule and didn't have any major problems. I was open to suggestions from the cast and crew. I felt it was a real collaborative effort and it was actually a lot of fun. Sunday, day 2 of shooting and the last day scheduled to shoot, came. I got to our location early, my supporting actress was already in wardrobe and makeup, my crew and I had set up and were ready to roll. All that was missing was our lead actress. So we waited, and waited and waited. We were scheduled to start at 1 and waited til close to 4. After numerous calls to her cell phone and messages left, and calls to family, we were still unable to reach her. Well, I sent my crew home after we packed up. We had one scene to shoot and we couldn't do it because we had shot for 7 hours with one actress. I got a hold of her the next day and she said that she was not feeling well at all (read, hungover) and it was selfish of her and apologized. Which was good she felt remorse, but because we're dependant on everybody else, my supporting actress could only meet either the next day or the weekend after. Of course all the equipment is already booked next weekend, and my crew is busy with their own shoots the only other day my supporting actress is available. We also have to consider when the location is available. It sucks! I'm sure we'll be able to work something else out, but the lesson is, I guess, make sure the people you are working with are responsible people you can count on.

More ramblings to come........

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Lost in the Library

Heading into crazy season for the semester......

I had a presentation to do yesterday for my 301 production class called "Lost in the Library". The idea was to research a subject non-film related and present it in a creative manner. I chose body language as my subject. I found out a lot of interesting things while researching. The most interesting thing I found out was about myself. Something rather disturbing. I was most interested in the deception cue part of body language. As some of you may know, my (ex) husband of five years was full of deception, so I became adept at figuring out these deception cues. The last guy I was with was also deceptive about a lot of things. What I discovered is that I actually enjoy playing detective. I get a big kick out of having a hunch, investigating and being right about it. I had wondered a little while ago why it is I attract deceptive men that I can't trust. It hit me while I was researching. I seek them out because I enjoy figuring out the truth. Sooooo, another thought I had was.....why don't I just write a script about a female detective and channel that into her, rather than seek it out in my personal relationships? Why not write about situations like that and find a man I can trust? The presentation went well, by the way, I think most everybody found it as interesting as I did. That thought just occurred to me, so I thought I'd share it.

More ramblings to come......